Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt physically harmed her long before the well-known airplane incident

Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt physically harmed her long before the well-known airplane incident




Hollywood’s Once Golden Couple: A Tale of Love Turned Sour

Once upon a time, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were Hollywood’s dream team. Their combined star power was unmatched, lighting up the sky brighter than the most luminous stars.

The End of an Era

Unfortunately, this dream team didn’t last. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s story turned from a fairy tale to a nightmare, with their separation and legal battles grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons.


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Recent court documents have brought to light allegations that Brad Pitt’s “physical abuse” towards Angelina Jolie started before a widely reported plane incident in 2016. The fallout from their split has seen them clashing over assets like a French winery they once bought together, showing just how broken their relationship has become.

The Winery War

In 2022, the battle took a turn over a winery, with Pitt accusing Jolie of breaking an agreement they had. He claimed she jeopardized the winery’s reputation, a project he cherished deeply. Jolie responded with serious allegations of her own, accusing Pitt of being abusive during a flight in 2016, an event that led her to file for divorce soon after.

Legal Battles and Allegations

Though Brad Pitt has denied these accusations, an investigation did not lead to criminal charges. However, new documents from Jolie’s team suggest the abuse began even earlier than previously thought.


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These documents aim to showcase Pitt’s alleged misconduct, including his attempt to tie Jolie’s silence to the sale of the winery by insisting on a non-disclosure agreement that would prevent her from speaking about the abuse.

The Response

Pitt’s camp has yet to respond to these latest allegations. However, they’ve previously criticized Jolie’s timing of such claims as a distraction tactic, especially when legal decisions don’t go her way. Despite the drama and accusations, a judge once granted Pitt 50/50 custody after a thorough review of their history together.


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A Saga Continues

As this Hollywood saga continues, it remains a story of a fairy tale gone wrong, a couple who once had it all but now find themselves in a bitter struggle, both in and out of the courtroom.


About David

David Windgate is a respected finance expert and consultant with a career spanning over a decade since 2010. His journey in the finance sector began a...