Camera captures 2 year old hugging pizza deliveryman who recently lost a child

Camera captures 2 year old hugging pizza deliveryman who recently lost a child
Written by: FinanceFuel

A scorching fresh pizza arriving at your doorstep is always exhilarating, but one youngster found it so exciting that he spontaneously embraced the deliverer for bringing his meal. This simple action became an unexpected act of compassion that surprised his mother completely.

Lindsey Sheely, a cosmetics entrepreneur residing in West Warwick, Rhode Island, purchased dinner for her household from Wicked Good Pizza last Saturday evening. Her security device recorded the brief yet incredibly touching encounter that occurred afterward.


"Last Saturday, when our pizza (and ranch) arrived, Cohen dashed out to embrace the delivery person and attempted to give him a kiss as well!" Sheely revealed in a social media update sharing the experience. "We considered it adorable and amusing, then realized our doorbell might have captured the moment on video, which it had! I trust it provides you with laughter and touches your heart as it did for us."


Sheely considered her son's action so heartwarming that she shared the security footage on her Instagram profile. Ryan Catterson, the pizza courier, discovered the video through an acquaintance.

"Someone showed Ryan the video from my Instagram, so he contacted me, and I located him on Facebook so he could distribute the video," Sheely explained. Later, while examining his Facebook page, Sheely discovered the devastating news that Catterson had recently suffered the loss of his 16-year-old daughter.

After learning about Catterson's situation, Sheely described her son's unplanned hug as "a small divine blessing."

Two-year-old Cohen Sheely delivered some unexpected happiness to a stranger when his family ordered pizza on Saturday.


"There exists no logical explanation why Cohen hugged the delivery person! I believe God utilizes children's pure affection to deliver hope and brightness where He knows it's necessary," Sheely told TODAY. To her knowledge, Catterson had never delivered to their residence before, so Sheely doesn't think her son approached him from recognition.


"We receive numerous deliveries and he never embraces other delivery staff, let alone rush outside to do so," she noted. "He has embraced and kissed people we know, but not unfamiliar individuals like this."

Since Saturday, Sheely reported that she and Catterson have remained in contact, and he informed her that Cohen's sweet gesture truly created a lasting impression.


"He wanted to inform me how much he needed that hug that night," she said. "We feel extremely thankful to know our little boy's embrace had such significance for Ryan and his family."

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