Check Out These Tiny Penguin Sweaters

Australia's Oldest Man Knits Tiny Sweaters For Injured Penguins
Written by: FinanceFuel

Alfred "Alfie" Date, the 109-year-old who holds the title of Australia's oldest man, uses his time to create tiny wool jumpers for hurt penguins rather than reading books or playing cards.

The skilled knitter told Channel Nine News that he couldn't turn down the request from Phillip Island's Penguin Foundation for small sweaters after a big oil leak harmed many Little Penguins, a type found only in southern Australia and New Zealand.

Alfred Date, the 110-year-old man who knitted vests to ... (Source:

"The girls who used to work for me, they'll tell you I'm a sucker. I can't say no," Date explained to Nine News. "It's a good way of getting along in life. You make friends all the time but you don't make a fool of yourself either," he said.


Date has knitted for over 80 years, but this marked his first attempt at bird clothing. The Penguin Foundation points out to keen knitters that these aren't fashion items - the jumpers actually stop the hurt penguins from cleaning themselves and eating the harmful oil.

The foundation called Date their "most senior little penguin jumper knitter," not knowing he was also Australia's oldest person. "It's amazing and we feel quite privileged to have him dedicating his time and effort to the Penguin Foundation," a representative told Nine News.

Oldest Man in Australia is Saving Penguins by Knitting Them ... (Source:

However, young knitters should note that according to the Foundation's website, they "have plenty of penguin jumpers at this time donated by generous knitters across the globe... and do not need any further donations at this time."


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