Dad celebrates teen who took his autistic son to prom

Dad celebrates teen who took his autistic son to prom
Written by: FinanceFuel

Occasionally, we encounter everyday individuals performing remarkable acts that strengthen our belief in human goodness.

This touching story appeared on Facebook several years ago, but continues to warm my heart whenever I view it – so I'm sharing it again.

The tale involves a father describing the moment when a young lady unexpectedly entered his workplace and requested permission to ask his son with autism a question.

Youngsters with developmental challenges typically desire similar experiences to their peers. Securing a companion for a school formal ranks highly for any 17-year-old, and rejection can significantly damage their self-esteem.

Attending solo – while insignificant in life's broader perspective – can feel like social devastation to adolescents; failing to find a partner may seriously threaten their confidence.


Many adolescents are particularly vulnerable and lack the necessary understanding of social situations – especially children with developmental conditions like autism.

Mike Larson, the father in this account, documented his experience when his autistic son, Jon, prepared for his high school formal. He subsequently shared the complete narrative on Facebook, where millions have now reacted and redistributed it. Read his words below!

"This shows my son Jon with his formal date Maddi," Mike wrote beneath his uploaded photograph. "He's in eleventh grade and has autism. Approximately four weeks ago, Maddi, a twelfth-grader, visited my workplace (I teach at their educational institution) and inquired if Jon's mother and I would permit her to escort him to the formal."


Mike added, "Maddi had become acquainted with Jon through a campus organization promoting relationships between students with special requirements and typical students. 'He's in eleventh grade,' she explained, 'so it's his formal too. I simply believe he deserves the opportunity to attend.' I informed her we would be privileged to have him accompany her."

Beyond inviting Jon to her senior formal, Maddi wanted to ensure he enjoyed an exceptional evening. She researched and discovered Jon's preferred color (orange) to select an appropriate dress. She also arranged a reservation for their group (they attended with another pair) at an eatery serving his favorite meal – chicken tenders, potato fries, and chocolate-flavored milk.


Prior to inviting Jon to the dance, Maddi sought his father's approval.

"It was an absolutely stunning moment for me," Mike Larson told Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Mike's Motivation for Sharing

According to Mike, three key purposes drove him to post the formal photograph on social media.

The widely-shared formal picture was initially uploaded in 2013, after which Mike Larson continued providing updates about what happened to the pair following the event.

In 2019, he marked the achievement of the post reaching 1 million shares and noted how his message had circulated globally. He also offered an update on everyone's current situation: "Many have inquired about Jon's wellbeing. He is healthy and content, still residing with his family."


Mike additionally revealed that Maddi has since married and occasionally feels "self-conscious" about all the attention – she didn't view her actions as extraordinary. Mike finished the update by stating, "Appreciation to all who have sent them good wishes."

When Jon received his autism diagnosis more than 16 years ago, his father imagined various potential futures. One possibility was that his son would never attend a formal dance because of his condition. However, thanks to Maddi, Jon not only attended the formal but enjoyed a magnificent evening!

"This represents something I never anticipated would occur for our family, and not only did it happen, but it unfolded in such a wonderful manner," Mike Larson expressed. "And to witness it subsequently enriching other people's lives exceeds anything I could have ever wished for. It will remain one of the most cherished memories in our lives."


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