Scientists left shocked after discovering that sperm breaks one of the laws of physics

Scientists left shocked after discovering that sperm breaks ...
Written by: FinanceFuel

Experts have been amazed to discover that sperm appears to violate one of Isaac Newton's basic laws of motion. Most people possess basic knowledge about sperm - it resembles a tiny tadpole that swims until it encounters an egg. Yet, sperm can apparently contradict a physics principle that researchers have relied upon for centuries.

This remarkable finding came from Kenta Ishimoto, a mathematical scientist, working with fellow researchers at Kyoto University. The group examined the sperm's ability to overcome Newton's third law of motion, which states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Newton's principle indicates that opposing forces counteract each other. This effect appears when two identical marbles collide and subsequently transfer their energy and bounce apart. Sperm, however, operates differently.

Scientists left shocked after discovering that sperm breaks ... (Source:

The researchers discovered that sperm cells can drive themselves through thick fluids without creating the expected equal and opposite reaction or meeting typical resistance. Ishimoto and his team investigated these non-reciprocal interactions to understand the mechanism, analyzing experimental data on human sperm and also creating models of green algae (Chlamydomonas) movement.

Both organisms use flagella - the small tail section on sperm - to push cells forward, but while highly viscous liquids would normally disperse their energy, sperm flagella continue to thrust the cells ahead. The study revealed that sperm tails possess an "odd elasticity," allowing them to move without significant energy loss to surrounding fluid.


This property alone, however, did not fully clarify the propulsion generated by the wave-like flagella motion. To better explain this phenomenon, the scientists developed a new concept called "odd elastic modulus" to characterize the internal flagella mechanics. As flagella bend in response to liquid, they manage to avoid the equal and opposite reaction and preserve energy.

The research team noted: "From solvable simple models to biological flagellar waveforms for Chlamydomonas and sperm cells, we studied the odd-bending modulus to decipher the nonlocal, nonreciprocal inner interactions within the material."

Scientists left shocked after discovering that sperm breaks ... (Source:

They added: "Odd elasticity is not a generic term for activity in solids, but rather a well-defined physical mechanism that generates active forces in solids or in other systems in which a generalized elasticity can be defined without using an elastic potential."


The scientists suggested their discoveries could have practical applications by aiding the design of tiny, self-assembling robots that imitate living materials, or by enhancing our understanding of collective behavior principles.

Musk's Fertility Concerns Extend Beyond Public Statements

The recent scientific breakthrough holds great interest, but prepare yourself for a somewhat disturbing sperm-related detail. An unsettling fact many would prefer not to know is that the globe's wealthiest individual, Elon Musk, isn't merely a multi-billionaire but also appears to be an enthusiastic contributor of genetic material.

Elon Musk highlights declining global fertility rates with ... (Source:

Musk has previously utilized his Twitter platform to voice apprehension regarding birth rates, potentially viewing himself as part of the solution. He posted: "A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces by far."


In another tweet, he stated: "Many countries are already well below replacement rate, and the trend is that almost all will be. This is simply a fact, not a 'debunked theory.' 2.1 kids is replacement rate, and obviously the world as a whole will soon drop below that point."

A New York Times investigation revealed that the Tesla Chief Executive has allegedly offered his reproductive cells to several friends and acquaintances throughout the years. While this information might be something most would rather not contemplate, it certainly provides food for thought.

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