Woman ends up crying over matching tattoo with friend due to its inappropriate appearance

Woman ends up crying over matching tattoo with friend due to its inappropriate appearance




So, there’s this young woman, Alaina Nicole, who recently became an internet sensation, but probably not for the reasons she hoped for. Imagine getting all hyped up to get matching tattoos with your bestie, only for the end result to be a major “oops” moment. Yeah, that’s exactly what happened to Alaina and her friend. They wanted something sentimental to celebrate their friendship, but what they got was… let’s just say, less than ideal.

Alaina took to TikTok to share her ordeal, and the video quickly went viral. Picture this: she’s there, tears streaming down her face, showcasing a tattoo that was supposed to be a beautiful symbol of friendship. Instead, it turned out to be a disappointing mess. The poor girl was visibly distressed, and honestly, who can blame her?

Now, here’s where it gets juicy. Her followers were quick to chime in, and let’s just say, they didn’t hold back. The consensus was pretty clear: the tattoo was a shocker. Comments ranged from “the tattoo artist pranked y’all” to “they knew what they were doing.” Ouch, talk about adding insult to injury!

But not everyone was quick to blame the artist. Some folks pointed out that maybe, just maybe, the artist was simply following instructions. Perhaps it was exactly what the duo had asked for, but they didn’t realize how it would translate onto their skin. “I mean, that’s what you got,” one commenter said, sparking a debate on whether the fault lay in the design, the execution, or the placement.

Speaking of placement, that became a hot topic too. Suggestions poured in, with one user saying, “It should be on fingers, not your arm.” Another creative soul suggested finishing the butterfly and adding some color to make it pop.

And here’s the kicker: the caption of Alaina’s viral TikTok video. Ready for this? “When you try to get cute matching bestie tattoos and you get two limp d***S instead!” I mean, if you’re going to go viral for a tattoo fail, at least have a sense of humor about it, right?

But here’s the silver lining: Alaina later updated her followers, saying they managed to fix the design. This time, they completed the butterfly, and now, there’s no mistaking what it is. So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Do your homework before getting inked, and maybe, just maybe, think twice about where you’re placing that tattoo. Because, as Alaina and her bestie learned the hard way, not all tattoos are created equal.


When you try to get cute matching bestie tattoos and you get two limp d*cks instead! #wheninnash #ohno #coverup #tattoo

♬ Oh No – Kreepa


About David

David Windgate is a respected finance expert and consultant with a career spanning over a decade since 2010. His journey in the finance sector began a...