Congressman Al Green Says He'll File Articles of Impeachment Against Trump
Representative Al Green - the Democratic lawmaker who was removed from the House of Representatives for disrupting President Donald Trump's Congressional address Tuesday - reveals he's retaliating against POTUS by preparing impeachment articles. The Texas congressman visited "TMZ Live" Thursday to discuss his dramatic removal during Trump's speech and announced his intention to submit impeachment articles to challenge what he describes as the president's "incivility."

Green did not specify when this filing might happen, but stated Democrats need to practice some "righteous incivility" of their own to counter the president's actions. The congressman believes Trump exploits the Democratic Party's polite behavior, citing Tuesday's speech as a perfect example - while Democrats remained quiet, Trump labeled them "lunatics" and took a viral jab at Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Green, however, did not stay silent. He stood up and shouted back at the president, challenging Trump's claim of a "mandate" before security escorted him out. Green admits he hadn't planned to speak out but felt emotionally compelled to defend Medicaid. His outburst proved costly - 224 of his fellow legislators, including 10 Democrats, subsequently voted to censure him for his conduct.

President Trump has faced impeachment proceedings before, having been impeached twice during his first term, though the Senate acquitted him both times. Nevertheless, Congressman Green appears to believe the third attempt might succeed.
Green discussed many additional topics during his appearance on "TMZ Live." Viewers can watch the complete interview by checking their local listings.